Sea Horse Huge Wood Sculpture with Iron Stand


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Unique huge Sea horse sculpture handmade from wood by skilled Artisans in Indonesia. 

Wood is distressed with a beautiful patina in various tones. Reclaimed wood shows natural signs of aging with some hairline cracks.

This item is made from raw material and may show slight hair line cracks,  irregular surface or colour tones these are natural to the material used and not seen as defects but simply adds to the charm and characteristics of handcrafted item

D I M E N S I O N S 
120 cm high x 44 cm wide

M A T E R I A L  Reclaimed wood

C O L O U R  Natural Aged

O R I G I N  Bali Indonesia 

F E A T U R E S  Metal stand

W E I G H T  16 Kilos

Seahorse number 4 out of 4.

4 Seahorses available each one unique.

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